

Love Bouquet is one of our finest arrangement of flowers with the popular White Gerber Daisies with Red Roses and White Orchids.

This beautiful Love Bouquet with the Gerber flowers is part of the sunflower family. The Gerber daisy has almost 30 species in the wild. They are found in South America, Africa and parts of Asia. Gerber daisies have a large flower head with a bunch of buds in yellow, orange, white, pink or red colours.

The head looks like a single flower but is actually made of hundreds of small flowers. One look at these beautiful daisies with their bold colors and it is easy to see why gardeners are interested with the Gerber flower.

The Love Bouquet contains roses that can tell a story to the receiver. The variety, color and even number of Roses carry symbolic meanings. The Rose is most popularly known as the flower of love, particularly Red Rose. The red rose not only carries more meaning than many other color roses, it is also one of the most universal of all symbols. A red rose in modern times can generally mean the showing of love, respect and courage.

On the whole, the beauty and fragrance of red rose has always encouraged and motivate people to purchase them for their beloved partners. For those people who love red roses they always love to display them and enjoy by growing them. Red roses look great and best in homes because they bring liveliness and warmth to the decoration.

Love Bouquet also has the elegant white and Pink Orchids. Orchids have long been considered exotic and mysterious, but many of them are easy to maintain as house plants. Some of the best orchids for home growing are phalaenopsis, oncidium, paphiopedlum and jewel orchids.

Jewel orchids are grown for their colorful leaves. The others are grown for their beautiful, often fragrant flowers. The most important factors for success with orchids are temperature, light, water and fertilization.

Love Bouquet would be perfect for social gatherings and friendly parties where these flowers are often beautifully displayed.

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